Catholic School PrincipalsAre the families of your students bringing them to Mass every weekend? Are parents reinforcing the faith formation lessons at home that you teach in school ? Is their faith solid and their command of Catholic doctrine strong? Are they living their faith?
Partners in Faith can help. You know that many Catholic parents want to raise faithful Catholic children. It’s not that they don’t care ... they’re just not sure what to do. In many cases, their own Catholic education is incomplete.Parents send their children to Catholic school in the hopes that you will build a strong faith foundation for them but you know that the home is where faith formation starts. That's where Partners in Faith can help. Partners in Faith — is more than a newsletter - it's a unique tool to help families raise children in authentic Catholic homes. Every issue of Partners in Faith helps parents reinforce their own knowledge of the Catholic faith ... use Christian parenting principles ... improve family life ... strengthen devotion to the Eucharist ... build Christ-centered families. All in an attractive, user-friendly format parents are more likely to read. And it’s filled with friendly illustrations that grab attention. Today’s busy parents love the single-sheet format — any longer and it simply doesn’t get read. Partners in Faith supports the work you do in the classroom to shore up parents' catechetical foundation so we can, together, build a strong future for our Church. All sources for the tips and strategies in Partners in Faith are Catholic and orthodox. So you can be confident parents will have the very best advice our faith can offer. Here’s what you get. Your subscription includes an issue for each month of the school year - that's 10 issues - from September through June PLUS you get an extra issue during Advent and an extra issue for Lent. And we send July and August activity calendars with your June issue that give families a faith-based activity for every day of the summer to keep faith learning fun and active. Each issue is chock full of actionable ideas any family can use to strengthen their Catholic identity, grow closer to God and our Church, and to grow in love of neighbor and one another.
Partners in Faith helps you strengthen parent participation in their children’s religious education ... with almost no effort on your part. Every issue is personalized with the name of your school — and your name if you like. That way parents will know you care. Principals tell us parents notice and appreciate Partners in Faith — and you and your students reap the benefits! See for yourself. Send us an e-mail and we'll send you an issue of Partners in Faith with your name on it. Or, subscriber today and you can photocopy this issue and send it home to each family today. |